Of all the materials that man has used for his home, the terracotta is the oldest. It contains the experience of historical memory. The past is the present and it influences the way we look at the future. The signs left by the hands of artisans, during the manufacturing of raw bricks, are initials that tell stories, hand down ethics and enhance aesthetics, with a gesture that still excites, materializing feelings that you will feel touching or walking barefoot.
Terraviva. The Earth is alive, the Earth is life. It is a sign of prosperity. It is hope and security. It is abundance. She is the mother of everything, even of the terracotta bricks, characterized by the most famous color of earth in the world, that of the Umbrian-Tuscan hills. The Earth tells a story, influences, teaches. The earth is ours.
Rectangle Remember to create new memory. This is the power of the rectangle, whose ancestral intimacy is reminiscent of the brick, yet it is not. It deceives the mind, fascinates the gaze and shakes the soul. The rectangle liberates the most irrepressible fantasies, it is a hymn to freedom of expression. Get creative.