Oliva Grey Ruler – 2 x 26 x 2

248.80  iva escl. /mq

Minimum order 0.2900 MQ
Box content: 0.2900 MQ
Weight for box: 9.00 kg
Production in 12 weeks
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Product ID: OR 2x2-03 Categories , ,

The home is a symbol of family, serenity, intimacy, tradition, warmth, and togetherness. Sometimes just a simple object, an aroma, a color or a material are enough to bring us back to the ethereal dimension, beyond space and time, which we call home. This is the magical power of terracotta, used as a flooring material for more than 4000 years. In Italy, where the Etruscans exalted the characteristics of this material thanks to the peculiarities of the territory, terracotta found its ultimate expression in Umbria. Here it has been used for hundreds of years to make pottery for wine and oil, imbued with the tastes and aromas of the Umbrian hills and landscapes.


Light grey Neither white nor black: grey is the synthesis. The union of two worlds, the artisanal world of terracotta production and the modern world of soft and delicate nuances, rich in malleable shades and warm shadows. A firm position  is not always synonymous with wisdom, sometimes grey is what is needed. In medio stat virtus: virtue stands in the middle.


Ruler 2x26x2 It is in the memory of each of us the briefcase full of colored sticks to make up to explore different dimensions. It was the game of the ruler and the exercises of the first knowledge that ventured into the art of measurement. We also played, composed and decomposed various dimensions until we realized one of our own, a ruler with unconventional measurements, rebellious to standards but with a harmony in which our principles of creativity converge.





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