Manner White – Luminaria

419.80  iva escl. /mq

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Product ID: JD-M0106 Categories , , , , ,

Manner as the arts of making, of exceeding, of originating. Fangorosa launches its second collaboration for the Fangorosa Tales cycle, which takes its cue from the Italian passion and arts that saw the waning splendor of the Florentine Renaissance. Maniere is the story of the different expressions of love told through the hands of Jacopo Devescovi, designer and specialist in the processing of handmade terracotta. Terracotta was the first material used for flooring in human history. 4000 years before Christ, in Mesopotamia, terracotta floors were made by mixing sand, clay, and water and were dried by the sun due to the lack of ovens.


Kaolin White Everything and nothing. This is white. All colors combined, therefore without color. Nevertheless, it exists. It is not possible to say that white does not exist. That is why Kaolin is our favorite white, it transcends. Its matte derivation differentiates it from any other white, making it instantly recognizable. Being exists. Non-being is not. White is Kaolin.


Luminaria Pisa lights up with fire lumens. It is the night of San Ranieri. You can see hanging from the windows of the buildings floral frames, starry, geometric, reflected in the glow in the waters of the Arno. The festival of the Luminaria is a suggestive show.



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